Study on P50 Sensory Gating in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Shanghai

Mei Lv, MM, Yi Liu, Yasong Du, MD, PhD, Xingshi Chen, Juan Fan, Yun Qian, Taoyuan Xu


Unusual reactions to auditory stimuli are often observed in autism and may relate to ineffective inhibitory modulation of sensory (P50 sensory gating). Sensory gating deficit may, however, characterize children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) reflecting imbalance of neuronal excitation/inhibition in these cohorts. We applied a paired clicks paradigm designed by American Nicolet Bravo Instrument to study P50 sensory gating in children with autism (N=39) and age-matched typically developing children (N=31). The incubation period to auditory stimuli in children with ASD was significantly longer than typically developing children. The data suggests that P50 sensory gating is deficit in children with ASD. The latency of response to the second click was not significantly reduced in children with ASD. The speed of processing auditory stimulation is slower in children with autism than typically developing children. The sensory gating P50 in the autistic children is impairment, and won’t improve with the age. The speed of processing sound stimulus in autistic children is much slower than that of control group. The speed of processing sound stimulus in autistic children will increase with the age. The sensory gating P50 in normal control is active and it is improving with the age.


autism spectrum disorder, typically developing children, auditory evoked potentials, P50, ensory gating, conditioning/testing paradigm

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